Saturday, November 29, 2008

Recommendation letters =)

Good news!! =) I got my 2 recommendation letters from 2 random teachers lol I didn't do exceptionally well in their classes, but I guess they have good hearts and they want to help this desperate asian girl lol

I asked my POM teacher (Raul Valverde) and he accepted. I also asked my 308, intro finance, teacher even if I did awfully bad in the class (Louisa knows hehehe....good summer memories :p ) He asked me to write the letter and he will make changes if necessary. I'm so excited =) I'm one step closer to my objective. Now, I have to decide which U I want to go. XD


Zuuchini said...

ooh connie you post! it's been a while. You sure are motivated! GO GO GO you can do it! and i thought letter of recommendation are only from teacher that we get along with. loool like you have to be pretty close with them so they gonan write for you. I guess i'm wrong :3

CYYYNNN said...

yeh, my teachers last semester totally rejected writing me rec letters cuz they didn't "know" me, wtf!

Connie W. said...

Some teachers have good hearts lol
I still have to think about it since my mom is not helping me to build confidence. I'll still apply cause I don't lose anything to try. Thx Louisa!! ;)