Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mix and Match

Weekends just started and I wasted half of my day trying on the few clothes that I have and taking pictures lol It's already 15h00 omg...

I was doing laundry and cleaning my closet, then I wanted to mix and match. I've noticed that most of the time I wear casual things; t-shirt, jeans and flat shoes...BORING!! So next time when I'm gonna go out, I'll be more fancy.

My selections: Only grey coat , Guess Bag, skinny jeans and Geox Black Leather boots. The grey coat belongs to my sister. It's cool that I fit in her things =)


Zuuchini said...

OH WOW! beautiful!!

CYYYNNN said...

Il est beau ton sac!! :D

Connie W. said...

Merci ^^ Le sac est a ma mere mais elle l'a porté une fois. Jtrouve que c'est plus pour mon âge lol.

Anonymous said...

haha yeah, it's funny how your sister buys her stuff at stylexchange and u dont =P LOL! i like the coat and the bad XD niiice hehehehe style really fits u connie =)

Connie W. said...

I'm cheap lol I save my money for food. We must go window shopping so I can be more inspired. Ur my fashionista =)I need a winter coat with down.